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Saturday, December 9, 2017

This is How You Will Deal With Rejection

To be rejected is the worst experience we could ever have.  Rejection can wound not only our pride but the deepest   part of our emotion which sometimes can destroy us if we don’t overcome this feeling.  Many people committed suicide, turned to illegal drugs or became alcoholics when they couldn’t come into terms of their being rejected.  This is the harsh reality of rejection, it can deprive us a promising future, can inflict us deep wound that has no cure and can even cost us our life. 

The reality behind rejection why it is harmful and hurtful because it tells us that we can never be accepted or welcome in certain situation or society that we want to belong.  Sometimes it is also through our love and attachment to another person, if we want to give all and want to be an integral part of him or her but if we only become rejected then that could be the worst moment of our life.  Our good intention or high expectation if only will be for nothing and others will just care less, it can be very damaging to us emotionally which can even affect our physical being.

We should learn how to handle rejection to our advantage so it will not create damage in our life.  Rejection may be our worst nightmare but it is not a general opinion, some may reject us but others can also welcome us with open arms.  We should bear in mind not to expect too much so rejection is easier to bear, if we expect too much chances are we will not be ready to accept rejection if its slapped directly into our face.  Rejection is one of life’s realities that we should accept whether we like it or not.